DC Comics' Jim Lee Draws Marvel's Deadpool

Jim Lee's days in the X-Men comic book universe created revered memories for '90s kids like [...]

Jim Lee's days in the X-Men comic book universe created revered memories for '90s kids like myself, which is why it's so good to see Lee (who has become a major force over at DC Comics), once again bringing X-Men characters to life:

As you can see above, Lee did the sketch for Jonas, the son of one of the guys involved with Amazing Comic Con. It's a Deadpool sketch that recalls the '90s era of the character, when he first sprang onto the page as a creation of Rob Liefeld. Funny enough, you can see the always-outspoken Liefeld in the comment section, (jokingly?) threatening to swipe that sketch from the kid.

As stated, Lee and Liefeld were two of the most influential men in the '90s era of X-Men comic books. After Lee and Liefeld worked on Uncanny X-Men and New Mutants (respectively) in the late '80s, Lee helped launch the X-Men and Uncanny X-Men reboot of the early '90s, while Liefeld converted New Mutants into X-Force. Deadpool was introduced just before that transition took place - though the early version of the character was much less comical and cartoonish, and was more of a straight-up assassin who never stopped talking.

Seeing this sketch of Deadpool, by Lee, is more than just a visual novelty: it's a monument to a great time in X-Men / comic book history. Hold onto it tight, Jonas!

The X-Men Movie Universe continues with Deadpool 2 on May 18th; X-Men: Dark Phoenix on November 2nd; and The New Mutants on February 22, 2019.