Joss Whedon Might Do a Superheroine Movie Next

In the same interview in which he expressed frustration with the state of female superheroes on [...]

Joss Whedon on the set of Agents of SHIELD

In the same interview in which he expressed frustration with the state of female superheroes on film, Marvel's The Avengers director Joss Whedon was asked what he might do after The Avengers 2 is wrapped and hinted that we could see him take on a solo, female superhero film. Asked what he'd do next once his deal with marvel expired after Avengers 2, Whedon said, "I miss the blank page. I'd love to do a ballet, but I'm still thinking about how to stage it. And back to the female-hero thing, I'm not going to let nobody do it. It doesn't have to be me, but it could be." Of course, he doesn't say "superhero," and he's dealt with heroines all his career--but in this case, he said "back to the female-hero thing," a clear nod to what he had said earlier about a dearth of such characters in film. With Scarlet Witch slated to appear in The Avengers 2, it could be intriguing to see her take center stage in her own film--but the legal wrangling that Marvel would have to do with Fox to make that happen would make it nearly impossible, considering the studio is reportedly not even allowed to call her "Scarlet Witch" onscreen. If he sticks with Marvel, the obvious choices would be characters like Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), Jessica Jones and Spider-Woman, each of whom has been tapped to appear in a Marvel Studios production coming soon. Other ideas might be She-Hulk or Gamora. Then again, it's unlikely Warner Bros. would turn him down this time if he went back to them to pitch Wonder Woman again. And doing an X-Men character over at Fox would put him in good negotiating position if he wanted to do anything new with Firefly.