
Logan Director Defends Film’s Loose Ends

Logan has a lot of good things going for it. Despite being X-Men franchise star’s last turn […]

Logan has a lot of good things going for it. Despite being X-Men franchise star’s last turn playing the titular Wolverine, it’s managed to be one of the highest grossing R-rated films in history, as well as being one of the best received X-films—neigh, superhero film IN GENERAL—among critics and fans alike—just look at our own rankings, where readers have voted it as the #1 Film.

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But maybe you weren’t satisfied. Maybe you wanted to know specifically what happened to the X-Men, or where Sabertooth was, or if the mutant sanctuary Eden was real or not.

Well, director James Mangold doesn’t agree with you, and that’s why he made the film he did. While speaking with ComicBookResources, Mangold spoke about the film’s resolutions and mysteries and why he left a few questions unanswered in the grand scheme of things. And before you ask, no, he wasn’t setting up any sequels.

“I think we watch movies too literally,” said Mangold. “I think we want answers, contractual answers. Life never gives us these answers, and I think that — people could ask questions about what happened to the X-Men or why do this or why.”

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But Mangold didn’t do that for himself. You could even say that he was taking a page from the book of longtime Uncanny X-Men scribe Chris Claremont.

“The comic books never answered every question. Somehow the movies are expected to,” Mangold explained. “When you do, and there are many movies that try to answer every question, you end up with these endless scenes with people explaining stuff, ad infinitum. It may satisfy some people, but in life, I hardly understand what’s going on one moment to the next. I like movies where there are mysteries.”

Either way, the fact is that he left enough options on the table for a future filmmaker to come along and contribute to the storyline if Fox executives see fit. But Logan as it is damn near perfect. Let’s hope it can be preserved as the piece of complete cinema it deserves to be.

Did you enjoy Mangold and Jackman’s final take on the Wolverine? Let us know with your vote in the Movie Database below!

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In Logan, in the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X in a hide out on the Mexican border. But Logan’s attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are up-ended when a young mutant arrives, being pursued by dark forces.

Logan is directed by James Mangold, who co-wrote the screenplay with Scott Frank and Michael Green, from a story by Mangold, and also stars Patrick Stewart, Richard E. Grant, Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant and Dafne Keen.


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[h/t] CBR