Mark Ruffalo Reveals Kevin Feige Thought His Marvel Spoilers Were Genius

Leaks at Marvel Studios are practically synonymous with actors Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland, as [...]

Leaks at Marvel Studios are practically synonymous with actors Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland, as both of them have notoriously spilled secrets for films like Thor: Ragnarok, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Avengers: Endgame. But while Marvel has seemingly planned for Holland's big mouth, using it to their advantage when it comes to hyping up their big projects, some fans think that Ruffalo could be in the dog house, prompting directors Joe and Anthony Russo to jokingly fire the Hulk actor from future projects. But apparently that's not the case, and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige is thrilled with Ruffalo's penchant to spoil.

Ruffalo appeared on The Graham Norton Show this week and was asked about the time he accidentally live-streamed the premiere of Thor: Ragnarok to the world, revealing Feige's reaction to the epic blunder.

"He was like, 'What are you doing, man?'" Ruffalo said about Feige when he saw him afterward. "I told him, 'Kevin, it was an accident. I swear to God. They told me to use the Facebook Live, I don't know how to use it!' He was like, 'You can't do this stuff!' I was like, 'No, no, you're right, sir'. And the next day, I showed up to do press and I'm hurting. I can't look anyone in the eyes. I walk over to him to say sorry, and he grabs me in a bear hug!"

Apparently, Feige looked at the result of the livestream and the attention it brought and immediately changed his tune about Ruffalo's accidental spoilers.

"And he's like, 'That was genius! We got more press from that than the entire premiere! We couldn't have imagined doing something that good!'" Ruffalo said.

Feige himself has previously spoke about both Holland and Ruffalo's loose-lipped tendencies, but he made it clear that Marvel Studios has decided to take advantage of their popularity with fans.

"The truth is that Tom is amazing, and has kept a lot of secrets," Feige previously told Empire. "About the two-millionth time it came up about him being terrible with secrets, he came up to me and said, 'You know, I _do_ keep a lot of secrets...' I know, but it's a thing now, a fun thing, so let's lean into it. And he'll go off and spoil something else. We did not take any special measures for Tom or Mark Ruffalo, who has a tendency to let his phone record at all times and all places. But they're also both so lovely that you can't get that mad."

There's no word yet on when Ruffalo will reprise his role as Bruce Banner AKA the Hulk for a future Marvel Studios project.