Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanmade Schedule Imagines Films Through 2028

Avengers 4 will be a very pivotal and (potentially heartbreaking) chapter of the Marvel Cinematic [...]

Avengers 4 will be a very pivotal and (potentially heartbreaking) chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the future is definitely looking bright once we get past it. Phase 4 of the MCU is set to blow wide open with the excitingly diverse lineup of potential film franchises and characters - especially since Disney has now acquired 20th Century Fox's Marvel character assets, and Sony is hard at work fleshing out its Spider-Man universe.

Marvel fans are almost having more fun speculating about what the future holds for the MCU than they are watcing the current lineup of films - case in point: this fan has gone as far as to plan out the next decade of Marvel moives, and shared his/her concept with fans all over Reddit:

Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Release Dates 2019 - 2028 (fan made)

There are some picks in here that are pretty inspired - and others that are probably just wishful thinking. Avengers 4 being named "Requiem" seems more like a personal wish by the artist than anything; nobody is asking for a Lionheart and the Black Knight movie (are they?); the progression of the Black Panther franchise with Urban Jungle and King of the Dead is exciting; yet the Spider-Man titles are pretty terrible (and hard to read) until you get to Sinister Six. The Avengers: Secret Invasion and World War Hulk titles are some good fan service; and the concept of the Fantastic Four franchise serving as a backdoor into Namor's introduction is pretty enticing. The Doctor Strange and Black Widow franchise plans feel a bit off, but new franchises like Nova, Thunderbolts, and Eternals are spot-on - as is that Marvel-brand X-Men logo.

If anything, this chart may be underplaying the actual level of expansion that Marvel Studios has planned for Phase 4 and beyond. Within the X-Men franchise there are probably more characters getting films between now and 2028 - and again, the whole Lionheart franchise seems like a rather strange pick for the franchise, as opposed to someone like, say, She-Hulk getting a franchise.

To that latter point: this chart definitely seems to ignore certain realities of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that have come to light: for example, this fan is still pulling for the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, which is currently on indefinite hold; and there seems to be some decision that the original Avengers solo franchises won't be continuing on in any fashion. There's no Iron Man, Thor, or Captain America in sight - not even possible reboot versions of them, like the already announced plans for an Ironheart movie; a Lady Thor or Odinson movie; or the new Captain America (or Captain America II) that could be Bucky Barnes or Anthony Mackie.

So all in all, this is probably a halfway decent look at what the MCU could be in the next decade. What are some of your picks for film franchises? Let us know in the comments!

Avengers: Infinity War is now available as a digital download and on Blu-ray and DVD. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5, 2019.