Marvel Teases Return of Red She-Hulk

Betty Ross’s gamma-power alter ego, the Red She-Hulk, may be making a comeback.SPOILERS for [...]

Betty Ross's gamma-power alter ego, the Red She-Hulk, may be making a comeback.

SPOILERS for Immortal Hulk #14 by Al Ewing, Kyle Hotz, and Paul Mounts follow.

Betty Ross was Dr. Bruce Banner's love from before he was transformed into the Hulk. That transformation complicated matters since Betty's father, Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, became bent on stopping the Hulk. Their relationship has only gotten more complicated since then.

Over the years, Bruce and Betty somehow made things work, at least for a while. They were married for a time, but that marriage was annulled when Betty was believed dead and Hulk married an alien. After the Abomination killed Betty, her father put her in cryogenic sleep and then eventually convinced AIM to resurrect her and transform her in the Red She-Hulk.

Betty later ordered the assassination of Bruce Banner, on behalf of the mysterious Order of the Shield, before he could become responsible for an extinction-level event. Hulk was then healed using Extremis technology, effectively killing Banner but leaving Hulk's new super-intelligent personality, Doc Green, active. Doc Green set out to depower the numerous gamma-powered monster heroes that had popped up throughout the Marvel Universe. He enlisted Rick Jones' aid in depowering Red She-Hulk, reverting her to Betty Ross once again.

Later, when Doc Green allowed Bruce Banner to reemerge, Betty apologized. They parted on pleasant if not intimate terms. When Hawkeye killed Bruce during Civil War II, Betty was furious and petitioned her father to launch a revenge mission. She rescinded those plans after hearing the tape that Bruce recorded before her death.

But now Bruce and the Hulk have reemerged in Immortal Hulk. Hulk took a trip to Hell and discovered more about where the Hulk truly comes from than he ever knew. Upon returning to Earth, he calls Betty and begs to come home. Ross is still struggling with the recent death of her father, but she agrees to meet with Banner.

Shadow Base has Betty under surveillance when she meets Bruce. The group's sniper disobeys a direct order from their leader, Gen. Fortean, and takes a shot at Banner. Unfortunately for him, his thermal scope had him aiming at the wrong target. He shoots Betty Ross through the head instead.

That's enough to trigger Banner to Hulk out. He assumes that Betty is dead since Doc Green took away her Hulk powers. But as Fortean reminds his sniper, Hulks don't die.

Betty Ross Red She-Hulk
(Photo: Kyle Hotz, Paul Mounts, Al Ewing, Marvel Entertainment)

It seems that all the sniper has done is wake up the Red She-Hulk that has been dormant within Betty. Fans will have to wait to see what happens next, but dealing with Hulk and Red She-Hulk means things will probably get ugly.

How do you feel about the possible return of Red She-Hulk? Let us know in the comments.

Immortal Hulk #14 is on sale now.


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