Horror Genre Is a Possibility for Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios has developed a pride in differentiating each of its films with different tones or [...]

Marvel Studios has developed a pride in differentiating each of its films with different tones or genres being applied to each entry to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While a true horror film has not yet been a part of the 10-year-old franchise, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige says it's a possibility.

Speaking to ComicBook.com in an exclusive interview, Feige was asked if the studio will dabble with the horror genre looking beyond the fourth Avengers film. After all, the studio does have characters like Blade and Man-Thing in their arsenal.

"I like both of those characters that you named, and I think, again, horror can mean a lot of things," Feige said. "Horror, did you mean a movie like Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Hostel or a Friday the 13th or a Poltergeist? Poltergeist is a little bit more my wheelhouse, that's such a great movie and it scared the heck out of me but it's really fun. I don't know, I certainly would like to play with as many genres as possible."

More: 5 Great Marvel Horror Films Worth Making

As the studio embraces more intense films, none which will have topped Avengers: Infinity War by the time it arrives, the boundaries may continue to be pushed. Black Panther did not shy away from sensitive and important social issues, while films like Ant-Man dealt with fun heists. Such a trend will continue, as an effort to keep the films from feeling too similar to one another.

"I think it always and I hope will continue to vary," Feige said. "I enjoy very much the success of Thor: Ragnarok, and all of the articles that were being written around the release of that film that 'the MCU has now just gone full comedy,' 'MCU has just embraced the full silliness and is just embracing a very eclectic, strange sense of humor.' And I remember reading those and thinking, 'Yes, but wait till you see Black Panther.' And now Black Panther and the advertisements for Infinity War, 'everything's gonna be dark now, everything's gonna be...' I will say it always will vary depending on the story we wanna tell on any individual movie."

One such character who might help the tones vary could be Nova, as Feige said the cosmic hero has "immediate potential" to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe after being passed on in an earlier film. As for the horror genre, a Blade reboot has long been wished for by fans of the character, but there is no timeline on when such a character could come to the big screen.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, 2018. Have questions about ComicBook.com's time on set or at the press events? Leave them in the comment section or send them to @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter!