Spider-Man: Far From Home Fan Might Have Uncovered More Proof Mysterio Is Alive

Spider-Man: Far From Home saves its biggest surprise for the post-credits sequence. The villain of [...]

Spider-Man: Far From Home saves its biggest surprise for the post-credits sequence. The villain of the film seemed to bite the dust at the end of the movie, but fans remain unconvinced. Mysterio decided to play one last trick on the Wall-Crawler, and it will change the path the hero will take going forward in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Everyone knows that Peter Parker is the face behind that red and black mask now. He might have to square up with his various enemies to clear his name in the next adventure.

A meme that on MCU fan posted to Reddit points out a new piece of evidence that points to Mystery still being alive and kicking at end of Far From Home. The entire post centers on the fact that the earpieces that the villain has been using to control the illusions over the course of the movie. In some of the scenes, the earpieces are there and in some, they are conspicuously missing in action. This is just the latest theory about a possible return to the surface, and the filmmakers have done very little to pour water on any of that speculation.

Are Mysterio's disappearing earpieces between cuts a continuity error OR an illusion??? Well here's one thing, it ain't a coincidence that those earpieces disappeared TWO separate times... So fake death??? from r/marvelstudios

ComicBook.com asked Spider-Man producer Amy Pascal if Mysterio survived, and she said, "You don't know." Director Jon Watts was quick to agree that there was a possibility Mysterio could have survived. He admitted in a separate interview, "It's Mysterio, so who knows? He definitely seemed dead."

Far From Home Producer Eric Carroll has suggested in the past that Mysterio might make an appearance in future films during a Far From Home set visit. Carroll made note that the filmmakers wanted a dynamic to mirror the relationship shared by friends-turned-foes Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Karl Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) in Doctor Strange.

"We wanted to find our 'in' and similar to what we did with Mordo in Doctor Strange," he said. "We wanted to give them time to have relationships so when and if we get to do something different with Mysterio, it really feels like a betrayal... and we're hopefully setting the stage for something really spectacular and that feels really Spider-Man, which is, again, if we get to do something else with this character, then they've already got this really personal relationship."

Whatever comes next for Spider-Man, you can bet that Mysterio and his schemes from this movie will have some effect on the next adventure Peter Parker embarks upon.