'The Gifted' Recap With Spoilers: "afterMath"

The episode opens in Dallas twelve years ago. It’s early days on the police force for Jace [...]

The episode opens in Dallas twelve years ago. It's early days on the police force for Jace Turner. His mentor notices a young mutant standing outside a convenience store. The officer questions the mutant and asks for ID. When The mutant argues, the officer tases the mutant. Jace argues with the officer about the unnecessary use of force, but the senior officer shuts him down with a story of his old partner being poisoned by a mutant.

In the present, Thunderbird carries Lauren into the clinic. Caitlin thinks she has just a mild concussion. Caitlin is called away to tend to some of the other injured mutants from the Lynwood facility.

Jace watches news coverage of the Lynwood attack while considering his divorce papers. He gets a text message alerting him to a Purifiers meeting. He texts back that he'll be there.

The Mutant Underground tries to figure out what they're going to do with the escapes Lynwood inmates. Blink suggests going to Erg and the Morlocks.

The Inner Circle watches on the news the protests and upheaval caused by the Lynwood mission. Andy is still upset over what he did to Lauren. The inmate they took is lying on a bed. The Frosts go into her mind and see the terrible treatment she suffered at Lynwood.

Lauren and Reed discuss what happened with Andy. Lauren says Andy believes in whatever the Inner Circle's cause is.

The Inner Circle sets up the inmate, Rebecca, to test her mutant abilities in the Inner Circle's training room. The Inner Circle can't get Rebecca to cooperate. Andy suggests treating her like a person instead of a weapon and volunteers to give it a try.

The Mutant Underground takes the Lynwood inmates to the Morlock sewer tunnels. Erg meets them.

Caitlin and doctor at the clinic are trying to treat a mutant that secretes acidic sweat who might know something about who the Inner Circle took. The patient has air in his lungs but the doctors can't touch him. Thunderbird does it himself, burning his hands in the process.

Caitlin treats Thunderbird's hands. She apologizes for being hard on Thunderbird earlier for not bringing Andy home. The patient, Michael, wakes up. He tells them that the girl the Inner Circle took was named Rebecca. He also says they were on the floor they were on because power collars didn't work on them. Rebecca was locked up tighter than anyone else. He says their therapist was a Dr. Taylor who was kind to them and then passes out.

One of the Lynwood patients asks Eclipse about what happened at the facility. He tells her about the Inner Circle.

Blink tries to convince Erg to take in the mutant refugees. He eventually agrees, but only if she helps him with something first.

Andy tries to talk to Rebecca. He opens up about how he felt estranged from his family and how the Inner Circle feels like his new family. Rebecca shows him her power, which is to turn things inside-out.

Jace goes to the Purifiers meeting. The officer that Jace met at the police department preaches to the others in the cell, talking about how the mutants won't replace them and how they'll meet them in the streets when they come. Jace suggests that fighting with protestors will just make the mutants look like victims. Jace suggests they search for the fugitive mutants form Lynwood. That will show that the Purifiers are "part of the solution."

Andy gives Rebecca a tour of the Inner Circle headquarters. Rebecca is most interested in the view, having been locked in a room with no windows for over a year. Rebecca feels like she traded one trap for another, but Andy tells her they can leave whenever they want. He offers to get her some clothes and to take her out. She gets changed and they start to head out, but Polaris pulls Andy aside. She warns him against this but he stays firm. She tells him to be careful.

Blink asks Erg why he wears an eyepatch. He explains that he lost his eye when his mutant powers manifested. He absorbs energy and can channel it back through that eye socket. Erg asks for her to portal them into a warehouse where he can gather supplies. Blink argues against this, saying that stealing from humans just makes them hate mutants more. Erg doesn't care about changing the humans' minds, he just wants his people to survive and to be left alone.

At the clinic, Thunderbird hears the Purifiers come into the clinic. He and Caitlin start trying to hide the mutant patients as the purifiers strongarm their way in. When the receptionist refuses to let them in, they break in. Thunderbird and Caitlin see Jace on the security feed and realize he's not with Sentinel Services any longer.

Eclipse continues talking to one of the patients while they wait for Erg and Blink to return. She tells him about how she ended up in Lynwood. She manifested her light orb powers at a concert and was charged with endangering the public. When the prosecutors couldn't get a conviction, they diagnosed her with a mental disorder instead and sent her to Lynwood.

Blink returns with news that Erg will take in the patients. He gives them one condition: they must take the Morlock "M" brand onto their face. Those with visible mutations are exempt. The patients agree.

Andy and Rebecca enjoy a meal. She shows him his power again, this time on a soda can and then again on a window. Rebecca agrees to work with Andy and the Inner Circle, but she wants to have some fun first. She sees two police officers get out of a car. She turns their vehicle inside out in front of them. She pressures Andy into using his powers to destroy the vehicle.

The Purifiers finds the doctor. He tries to resist, but Jace can tell that the mutants have been there. He continues to lie to them and one of the Purifiers, Kyle, starts beating on the doctor. Micheal starts to cough again but tells Thunderbird not to do anything dumb like going out to fight the Purifiers. Michael and Caitlin lie to convince Thunderbird that Michael will be fine if they wait.

Kyle continues beating the doctor. Jace pulls him off and they hear sirens. The Purifiers leave, but Michael is already dead.

Erg talks to Blink about her powers, her physical appearance, how she has to hide who she is on the surface. He tells her that she should never hide who she is.

Andy and Rebecca return to the Inner Circle's hideout. In the elevator, she kisses him. Rebecca asks the others what this big mission is about.

Mutant protests continue nationwide. Rebecca trains with her powers in the training room, twisting a large safe inside-out. The patients undergo their Morlock branding.

Jace finds something in the patient files he took from the clinic. He calls the Purifiers and says they're going to hit the mutants where they live.