Mark Ruffalo Thought 'Thor: Ragnarok' Would Break The MCU

Director Taika Waititi has consistently said that he treated Thor: Ragnarok like the first film in [...]

Director Taika Waititi has consistently said that he treated Thor: Ragnarok like the first film in a franchise rather than the third. Though the movie takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and references events that have happened in other films, it will still be able to stand on its own.

And though Mark Ruffalo's Hulk makes his first appearance in two years in this film, he revealed in a conversation with Collider that he was worried about the radically different approach of the film.

"You know how many times I was like, are we breaking the Marvel universe? We threw everything out!" Ruffalo said. "We started all over again with this."

The film takes a decidedly comedic approach, which isn't new compared to Marvel Studios movies like Guardians of the Galaxy or Spider-Man: Homecoming. But for Thor? It's slightly out of left field.

"We threw the Thor franchise out. We threw everyone's perception of Banner out. We threw everyone's perception of Hulk out. We threw everyone's perception of Thor out," Ruffalo said.

Though these comments might worry some fans, Thor: Ragnarok has been hailed as one of the funniest Marvel movies to date and has received an immensely positive reaction from critics and fans thus far. Ruffalo credits the film's success to Waititi.

"Yes, we knew what we were doing and at the same time were like, 'let's just do it. And let's go for it. And let's do it in the best and the most honest and fun way that we possibly can,'" Ruffalo said. "And Taika did that, and he wasn't afraid of that. To have that rebel mentality going into it… We improvised a lot. We played. He created a space where we could just play. And we were making jokes, and he would throw a joke in, and then that would turn into another joke… That playfulness is really appealing on the screen."

It's pretty apparent that Ruffalo enjoyed making this movie, much like co-stars Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, and Cate Blanchett. All of the principal cast members have reflected positively on their experiences filming Thor: Ragnarok. 

And if the early success is an indicator of its longevity, the movie might go down as one of the best entries in the MCU to date.

Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3.