‘Wolverine’ Star Hugh Jackman Shares Merry Christmas Video

Former X-Men star Hugh Jackman has sent his well wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy [...]

Former X-Men star Hugh Jackman has sent his well wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy 2019.

"Merry Christmas to you all. Happy holidays to everyone and for 2019, as someone quite famous once said, 'Life is what you choose to make it,'" Jackman says in the video, published Christmas Eve. "I love you all."

Jackman stepped away from his most famous role in 2017's James Mangold-directed Logan, bringing an end to the Australian actor's 17-year tenure as the metal-clawed mutant.

The 50-year-old actor has since said he's "open" to playing another superhero, but admitted he's "done" with Wolverine and X-Men despite prodding from buddy and Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds to pick up the role for a team-up movie.

"I think convincing Hugh of that would be a near-impossible feat, but there's no human being I love more than Hugh Jackman in that universe, and equally so as a friend. He's just the best," Reynolds told EW in May.

"I already miss him as Logan, so I'm one of those guys that whenever I see him, I'm like, 'Come on, man. Just one more. Come on. We'll do it together. It'll be fun. Come on! On three. Here we go, together. One, two, three, together,' and it's always just me saying it."

Reynolds, who plans to next return as the Merc with a Mouth in Drew Goddard's X-Force, told Buzzfeed he's open to Jackman appearing in the Deadpool 2 spinoff, "but not as Logan. Just as Hugh Jackman."

A Wolverine-Deadpool pairing would have happened "if [Deadpool] had appeared ten years ago," Jackman said previously during a Logan Q&A.

"But I knew 2.5 years ago that this was the last one. The first call I made was to Jim [Mangold]. I said, 'Jim, I got one more shot at this.' As soon as I got with Jim and started working on the idea of it, I was never more excited. But it feels like the right time… Deadpool, go for it, man. You do your thing. You don't need me."