After Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ferrigno Expects a Hulk Solo Movie

Actor Lou Ferrigno, who played Marvel Comics's Jade Giant in the memorable TV series The [...]

Lou Ferrigno talks Hulk

Actor Lou Ferrigno, who played Marvel Comics's Jade Giant in the memorable TV series The Incredible Hulk and its follow-up movies, believes that the character will be getting a solo film following Avengers: Age of Ultron, due to the popularity of the most recent big-screen adaptation of The Hulk in Marvel's The Avengers. Ferrigno voiced The Hulk -- just the grunts and roars, mind you, not the actual words -- in The Avengers and will do so again in Avengers: Age of Ultron. He's been the voice behind the beast in almost every screen adaptation since the character's creation, including a number of animated series. Latino Review apparently caught wind of a local radio broadcast in which Ferrigno spoke of plans for the film.


"Now because he saved the day [in The Avengers] they're making another solo Hulk movie after the second Avengers comes out," Ferrigno is quoted as saying. No specific radio station, show or audio recording is provided and since Latino Review credits a reader with sending in the scoop. If their story is updated to include any information that might lead to the audio becoming available, this story will be updated as well. Tim Blake Nelson, who was one of the villains in Marvel Studios's The Incredible Hulk, will cross over to the Fox side to play Mole Man in Fantastic Four, reports suggested this morning (in a reversal of the previous Human Torch, Chris Evans, who left Fantastic Four to become Captain America for Marvel). Rumors swirled around a Planet Hulk movie a little over a year ago, saying that a modified version of World War Hulk would be Avengers 3, but Marvel Studios and Joss Whedon were quick to deny those reports.