
Amazing Spider-Man: Oscorp Virtual Lab Online

This morning, we speculated as to what exactly might be going on with the whole Oscorp internship […]

This morning, we speculated as to what exactly might be going on with the whole Oscorp internship program offered at the viral website for Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man. Now, we’re beginning to see some of it evolve.Fans can now visit Oscorp’s Animal Dynamics Lab, where a virtual laboratory simulation is live that will allow you to play a chemistry-themed game which, after eight levels, completes the first of three phases in your Oscorp training, with two more levels “coming soon.”Presumably, while there is no specific guideline for it on the website, once a certain number of fans have unlocked the first step, it will allow the second and third to open. A Twitter account associated with the film only promises that the next round of experiments are “coming soon.”

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Graeme Haugen Unifiction boards /skeweddistribution /covalence /araneae /foundations /externalvalidity /dependentvariable