Andrew Garfield Reveals Desperate Effort To Star In Narnia Movies

Andrew Garfield really wanted to be a part of The Chronicles of Narnia series when he was first starting out. He told Entertainment Tonight that the franchise was very appealing and he was "desperate" for the role of Price Caspian. However, there was just one small problem. According to the creative team, he just wasn't handsome enough for the role. Garfield ended up bugging his agent about it so much that she presented him with the honest truth. 

While that might have stung in the beginning, things clearly worked out for the Spider-Man actor. 2007's Boy A brought him into the critical eye with John Crowley's film. Then 2010 he exploded with The Social Network and Never Let Me Go. So, things ended up going just fine for the Amazing Spider-Man. But, he still remembers that time Ben Barnes got the role.

"I remember I was so desperate. I auditioned for Prince Caspian in 'The Chronicles of Narnia' and I thought, 'This could be it, this could be it,'" Garfield explained. "And that handsome, brilliant actor Ben Barnes ended up getting the role. I think it was down to me and him, and I remember I was obsessed."

"Why not me? She eventually just broke under my incessant nagging and she was like, 'It's because they don't think you're handsome enough, Andrew," he admitted. "Ben Barnes is a very handsome, talented man. So in retrospect, I'm not unhappy with the decision and I think he did a beautiful job."

In further comments about his future as Spider-Man, the actor isn't ruling anything out.

"Never say never," Garfield said with Entertainment Tonight. "It's a character that's always going to be so meaningful to me, and so beautiful to me and again, it comes back to service. I think if there's a way, because that's what that character is all about, he's all about serving the greater good and serving his fellow people, serving humanity and all life."

"So, if there's a way for me to continue to add to the legacy of that character in a way that feels like it's of service to an audience, of service to the themes that [co-creator] Stan Lee injected that character with," Garfield said, "I'm open, of course, I'm very, very open, but it would have to be very, very special. It would have to be very, very meaningful and fun, and joyful, like doing No Way Home was."

Would you have believed him as a part of Narnia's world? Let us know down in the comments below!