Assassin’s Creed Head of Content from Ubisoft, Azaïzia Aymar has shared pictures from the set of the film before, but his newest ones, shared just hours after some new official set pics, are considerably more revealing than the obscure ones in the past.
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Look at what I found on #assassinscreedmovie set! Those Abstergo guys just love Templars! pic.twitter.com/0DBKL50Xym
— Azaïzia Aymar (@AymarMtl) November 4, 2015
This time around, he inferred that he was tweeting from inside Abstergo Industries, the modern day front for the Templars whose inner sanctum contains many Templar artifacts.
Two of those artifacts were teased, two swords of the Templars. Aymar didn’t mince words, saying, “Those Abstergo guys just love Templars!”
One of the swords has the Templar cross etched into the pommel, but the other is more interesting, bearing the likeness of Hugues de Payens, the first Grand Master of the Templars. de Payens doesn’t have much specific influence in the universe built around the Assassin’s Creed games and other media, but being the original leader of the Order certainly makes him an important figure.
Time for a close up! Who is the man on the pommel? #assassinscreedmovie #truetemplarwouldknow 😉 pic.twitter.com/vz3Fz1WOZ4
— Azaïzia Aymar (@AymarMtl) November 4, 2015
Aymar said it’s just one of the “attention to details” that will make the movie “fantastic” thanks to its “amazing team.”
Assassin’s Creed stars Michael Fassbender as a new assassin (as in not one from the existing video game, comic book, and novel franchise), Aguilar, while he also plays his own descendant in the modern day, both trying to defeat the evil Templars. Justin Kurzel directs the film, shooting now for a December 21, 2016 release.