
Batman Vs. Superman: Five Superheroes We Would Like To See That Haven’t Been Rumored

There have been a lot of rumors flying around about who might show up in the sequel the Man of […]
Big Barda

There have been a lot of rumors flying around about who might show up in the sequel the Man of Steel, which is still under the working title Batman vs. Superman. We know we’re getting Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor, while Nightwing, Doomsday, Martian ManhunterAquaman, and John Stewart have all been rumored to show up in the film at one time or another. While those characters are great, we think there are a few others who should be considered for a place in the film, or at least get a rumor or two of their own.Here’s our thoughts. What do you think?Big Barda – The Justice League has some unfortunate gender balance issues, with the men usually outnumbering the women 6 to 1. Big Barda can help fix that. Not only does she rival Superman and Wonder Woman in terms of pure power, but her origins in the Fourth World can make her the Justice League movie’s equivalent of Thor and potentially lead into a conflict with Darkseid, who would seem the natural choice for a villain in any Justice League movie.

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