Ben Affleck Partly Took Batman Role To Please His Son, Who Thinks FedEx Guy Is The Joker

Ben Affleck is really earning that 'Best Dad' mug.The actor recently took on one of the heaviest [...]


Ben Affleck is really earning that "Best Dad" mug.

The actor recently took on one of the heaviest roles in all of Hollywood when he signed on to play Batman in the upcoming DC Comics blockbuster, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. He didn't do it necessarily as just a career move or for the paycheck. Affleck recently admitted that part of the reason he took the job was because his four-year-old son really wanted him to.

"He knows that I am Batman," Mr. Affleck said. "It's a mixed blessing. He also thinks that for some reason — I don't know if it's the color combination or whatever — that the FedEx guy is the Joker."

"Whenever there's a FedEx delivery, he's like, 'Dad, the Joker's outside,'" the actor continued. "The burden's on me to go out there and give the guy an extra 20 bucks to pantomime a whole Adam West kung fu battle."

Affleck even wore the Batsuit to his son's birthday party recently. That's some serious commitment!

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters March 25.

(via NY Times)