Finn and Chewbacca Team in New Star Wars: The Force Awakens Image

John Boyega has become fairly prolific on social media, and while a J.J. Abrams production, and [...]

John Boyega has become fairly prolific on social media, and while a J.J. Abrams production, and a Star Wars production to boot is notoriously secretive, Boyega has been able to leave a few bread crumbs for his followers.

On Instagram this week, the actor, who plays Finn in the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens, shared a new image featuring his character wielding a funky looking blaster, side-by-side with Chewbacca and his signature bowcaster.


A photo posted by @john_boyega on

The behind-the-scenes footage that debuted at Comic-Con showed Finn and Rey on the Millennium Falcon with Han and Chewie, so it's no surprise to see them together, but the composition of the image brings some questions to bear. It looks like it's part of a larger shot, perhaps a poster or the side of a box from a licensed product? Either way, it's clearly not a shot from the set or an official still.

Boyega posted the image with no caption, so what do you think it's from? Sound off in the comments!