Gal Gadot Kicks Off Wonder Woman Day With New Video

If you're going to celebrate Wonder Woman Day the right way, you've got to have Gal Gadot on [...]

If you're going to celebrate Wonder Woman Day the right way, you've got to have Gal Gadot on board, and thankfully she's all in on the big celebration. Gadot kicked things off by posting a new video on social media, which shows her walking into her bathroom and opening a drawer while happily humming a song. She then takes out something from the drawer, which turns out to be her two Wonder Woman gauntlets, and that's when she notices the camera. She turns and says "oh hey", and then tosses up the gauntlets in the air. When they are on she crosses her arms and says "let's start this day of Wonder!" and smiles, followed by the Wonder Woman logo.

Gadot posted the video with the caption "Gear up for #WonderWomanDay Glowing star @WonderWomanFilm", and you can watch the full video below.

Hopefully, this helps with the sting of the whole Wonder Woman 1984 delay a bit, which is hovering around a Christmas release at the moment but could very well end up moving out of 2020 entirely.

Director Patty Jenkins recently the delay and is still "very hopeful" it will still hit that target date. She did say though that "I don't think anybody can be confident of anything right now. We just don't know what the course of COVID is going to be like."

There's also been talk of the film releasing on streaming platforms, though Jenkins seems to want to hold out on that option if at all possible to help the theater industry and experience.

"If we shut this down, this will not be a reversible process," Jenkins said. "We could lose movie theater-going forever. It could be the kind of thing that happened to the music industry ... where you could crumble the entire industry by making it something that can't be profitable."

You can check out the official description for Wonder Woman 1984 below.

"In 1984, during the Cold War, Diana comes into conflict with two formidable foes—media businessman Maxwell Lord and friend-turned-enemy Barbara Minerva / Cheetah, while reuniting with her love interest Steve Trevor."

How are you celebrating Wonder Woman day? Let us know in the comments!