In the 1970s, two directors revolutionized the film industry with their respective blockbusters. In 1975, audiences were introduced to arguably the first blockbuster, which was Steven Spielberg’s Jaws. Two years later, George Lucas’ Star Wars would hit theaters, and it would take the new concept of the blockbuster in expansive directions. These two filmmakers would not just change the Hollywood landscape, but they would also develop a strong friendship and working relationship. This eventually led to the two of them working on the Indiana Jones franchise together, with Lucas being credited for the story of the first two films and Spielberg directing the first four.
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As a result of their collaboration, as well as Harrison Ford’s major role in both properties, it is no surprise there are a number of Star Wars Easter eggs in the Indiana Jones movies.
Steven Spielberg References George Lucas’ Star Wars Franchise Several Times In Indiana Jones

The most overt Easter egg is in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, which is a soft prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark. In the opening scene, Indiana Jones, Willie Scott, and Short Round flee a club named after Luke Skywalker’s mentor from A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Whereas Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’s Club Obi Wan spells out its Easter egg in big, bold, neon blue letters, there is a more subtle Star Wars Easter egg in Raiders of the Lost Ark. While Indiana Jones and Sallah uncover the Ark of the Covenant, one of the hieroglyphics in the Well of Souls resembles C-3P0 and R2-D2.
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There is also a verbal Easter egg in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, where Indiana Jones says the iconic Star Wars line, “I have a bad feeling about this.” This line has been a running gag for the franchise, appearing in each cinematic installment; although, some films, like Solo: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, take liberties with it. Ford portrays both Indy and Han Solo, so it makes perfect sense to have him deliver the line as an older Dr. Jones, decades after he first uttered it.
George Lucas Gave One Steven Spielberg Film a Cameo in Star Wars

It’s not just in the Indiana Jones films that Spielberg references his good friend’s most popular franchise. One of the earliest Star Wars Easter eggs in a Spielberg film is in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which came out in 1977 — the same year as A New Hope. At the bottom of the alien spaceship, R2-D2 can be seen hanging from the hull.
Later on, Spielberg’s 1982 classic E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial featured an overt nod to The Empire Strikes Back, which came out two years prior. In Empire, audiences officially meet Luke’s next mentor, the little alien Jedi known as Yoda. Along with being an important character, Yoda has an iconic, memorable look that lends itself to plenty of merchandise and costume options.
This is even the case in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, as a child dresses up as Yoda for Halloween. When E.T. sees this child in a costume, he assumes it’s an alien just like him, especially since both Yoda and E.T. are short, wrinkly aliens with similar silhouettes. E.T. wants to go home more than anything, so seeing this child in a Yoda costume gives him a brief moment of hope.
Years after E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Lucas returned the favor by referencing Spielberg’s film in his own franchise. In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, there are numerous alien races who are a part of the Galactic Senate, including what appears to be aliens from E.T.’s planet. After all the Star Wars Easter eggs in several Spielberg films, it’s no surprise Lucas would do the same for his friend down the line.