Man Of Steel Is Similar To The Bible According To Composer

In a new interview on CNN, Man Of Steel composer Hans Zimmer reveals that there are some parallels [...]

Superman The Bible

In a new interview on CNN, Man Of Steel composer Hans Zimmer reveals that there are some parallels between the Superman reboot and another project he recently worked on. When asked if the Man of Steel had anything in common with the History Channel's The Bible, Hans Zimmer said, "Yes. Yes is the answer. Once you see Superman, you'll see how close you are with your question." Or course, the comparison of the Superman story to Biblical stories is nothing new. Many in the past have made the parallel between Superman and Jesus, both being savior figures sent to Earth by their fathers. However, Zimmer's answer does seem to indicate this aspect will likely be played up more in the Man of Steel than it has in past Superman movies. Hans Zimmer also added, "Both stories are passions about a struggle to do the right thing. For Superman, it was a really simple question for me. What does it take to become a good man? To be good? And what does that mean in our more and more complex society? Do any of these values still resonate with us?" Hans Zimmer also has high praise for his Superman predecessor John Williams. Zimmer said, "Seriously. He's the greatest film composer out there, without a doubt, and it happens to be one of his iconic pieces of music, so I spent three months just procrastinating and not even getting a start on the thing, because I was so intimidated: 'Oh my God, I'm following in John Williams' footsteps.'" As far as the tone of the Man of Steel, Zimmer seems to confirm earlier reports that Man of Steel won't be a dark superhero movie like The Dark Knight trilogy. Zimmer said that Man Of Steel was about "celebrating everything that was good and fine about America."Since part of Man of Steel is set in Smallville, the movie will apparently give a good look at small town life in the Midwest. Another interesting tidbit dropped by Hans Zimmer is that he actually got the job as composer on Man of Steel through a misunderstanding. When initially asked if he was going to do Superman, Hans Zimmer said no "absolutely no way" but it was misheard as just "absolutely." When Hans Zimmer phoned director Zack Synder to explain what he said was being misunderstood, the two started talking which resulted in him taking the job.