DreamWorks Animation’s Academy Award-nominated Puss in Boots: The Last Wish will stream on Peacock starting one week from today, NBCUniversal revealed. The film, directed by Joel Crawford, will hit the platform on March 10, giving all subscribers a chance to check it out before next weekend’s Oscar ceremony, in which the film has been nominated in the category of Best Animated Feature. The movie stars Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, John Mulaney, Florence Pugh, and more in what seems to be positioned as the final outing for the action hero, with Puss coping with the reality that he is on the last of his nine lives.
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Of course, the end of the movie also teased a return to Far Far Away, possibly suggesting that Puss and friends could show up in another Shrek movie, something Dreamworks have been teasing for years.
Antonio Banderas’ version of Puss in Boots has indeed been gracing the screen since 2004 when he made his onscreen debut in Shrek 2. Puss in Boots was such a breakout hit as a character that DreamWorks brought him back for two more Shrek movies after that, before giving him his first spinoff film and a follow-up animated series.
In the synopsis, Universal says, “everyone’s favorite leche-loving, swashbuckling, fear-defying feline returns. For the first time in more than a decade, DreamWorks Animation presents a new adventure in the Shrek universe as daring outlaw Puss in Boots discovers that his passion for peril and disregard for safety have taken their toll. Puss has burned through eight of his nine lives, though he lost count along the way. Getting those lives back will send Puss in Boots on his grandest quest yet.
“Academy Award® nominee Antonio Banderas returns as the voice of the notorious PiB as he embarks on an epic journey into the Black Forest to find the mythical Wishing Star and restore his lost lives. But with only one life left, Puss will have to humble himself and ask for help from his former partner and nemesis: the captivating Kitty Soft Paws (Oscar® nominee Salma Hayek).
“In their quest, Puss and Kitty will be aided—against their better judgment—by a ratty, chatty, relentlessly cheerful mutt, Perro (Harvey Guillén, What We Do in the Shadows). Together, our trio of heroes will have to stay one step ahead of Goldilocks (Oscar® nominee Florence Pugh, Black Widow) and the Three Bears Crime Family, “Big” Jack Horner (Emmy winner John Mulaney, Big Mouth) and terrifying bounty hunter, The Big Bad Wolf (Wagner Moura, Narcos).”