Robocop Takes On Mall Duty In Fan Film

When people ask you what two movies you really want to see merged together, do you answer, [...]

(Photo: SamMacaroni)

When people ask you what two movies you really want to see merged together, do you answer, "Robocop" and "Paul Blart: Mall Cop?" If so, have we got something for you! Thanks to youtuber Sam Macaroni, your dream has come true, in the form of about 80 seconds of Robocop doing awful things to people as a Mall Security Guard.

Yes, that's extreme punishment for petty theft, loitering, and parking wrong, but it's also pretty funny. Here's hoping next up is, I dunno, some kind of Jurassic World and We Bought a Zoo mashup? Is there something there? We'll leave it to Sam Macaroni to figure out.