Thor: Ragnarok Star Addresses Surtur's Possible Return

Actor Clancy Brown has played a number of characters with an impressive stature over the years, [...]

Actor Clancy Brown has played a number of characters with an impressive stature over the years, whether that be the Kurgan in Highlander or Sargeant Zim in Starship Troopers, though none are quite as massive as his role in Thor: Ragnarok as Surtur, a creature who is so immense that he manages to completely destroy all of Asgard. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe might be known for having popular characters return for new adventures in surprising ways, Brown recently pointed out that he would be happy to return to voice the character again, yet there are currently no plans in place for such an opportunity. Audiences can currently see Brown in the horror film The Mortuary Collection, which is now streaming on Shudder.

"That was a voiceover character pretty much. So, I mean, I would happily do it again, because it would be a mo-cap, and that would be fun, and a voice, but they didn't sign me up for any multi-picture deal or anything like that," Brown shared with "If they call me up, and we can reach a deal, then I'll do it. If they call me up, and they don't want to pay me, then I won't. I mean, it's not that big a deal. It's not a real character to me anyway, Surtur."

With Thor: Love and Thunder moving forward with Natalie Portman reprising her role as Jane Foster, and with Surtur playing an important role in the overall mythology of Thor and Asgard, we wouldn't have been surprised to see the CGI character appear, but whatever plans Marvel Studios might have for the character, they have yet to be revealed to Brown.

The Mortuary Collection follows as a young woman (Caitlin Fisher) applies for a job at a decrepit old mortuary, only for the eerie mortician (Brown) that lives there to treat her to several tales of madness, macabre, and monsters from the many books he keeps filled with morbid stories. But things take a turn when she realizes the final anecdote just so happens to be her own story.

Brown also recently noted that, having appeared in The Mandalorian for Star Wars, he has yet to be contacted about returning to that series or for another project in the galaxy far, far away.

The Mortuary Collection is now streaming on Shudder. Stay tuned for details on Thor: Love and Thunder.

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