Age Of Ultron Pre-Sale Tickets Four Times Higher Than The Avengers

Avengers: Age of Ultron hasn’t even hit U.S. theaters yet, and it’s already lapping 2012’s [...]


Avengers: Age of Ultron hasn't even hit U.S. theaters yet, and it's already lapping 2012's Avengers…almost four times over.

According to new reports, Age of Ultron's advance ticket sales are nearly four times greater than Marvel's The Avengers. While pre-sale tickets were made available almost two months ago, purchases have gone into overdrive as the film's May 1 premiere date draws ever-closer. Indeed, Age of Ultron advance tickets comprised 84% of's sales between April 27 and April 28.

Of course, the United Staes isn't the only territory experiencing Avengers fever. 44 international territories premiered the sequel last weekend to the box office tune of more than $200 million. As Entertainment Weekly notes, the film was #1 in every country it opened in.

Fans can likely expect even more record-breaking numbers this weekend, when Avengers: Age of Ultron opens on May 1.