Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Nothing Personal Recap With Spoilers

The episode opens with Maria Hill on the phone, talking about how miserable it is to deal with [...]

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nothing Personal

The episode opens with Maria Hill on the phone, talking about how miserable it is to deal with Congress over what happened at the Fridge. She knows she is being followed by the government, until suddenly all the agents following her get knocked out. Melinda May shows up. Hill tells her that they are "privatizing global security" at Stark Industries. May tells Hill she needs to go see Coulson to tell him about Tahiti. Hill says that Fury said "He took his orders from pretty high up, but he buried that intel when he chose not to bury Coulson." May assumes it's a riddle. Hill tells her that Fury is dead, but May doesn't believe it. The authorities show up to take Hill. At Providence, Coulson and his team are watching the video feed of Skye and Ward leaving. They have nothing to go on and no explanation really makes sense. Fitz and Simmons leave to make some food, deciding on pancakes. In the store room, Simmons finds Koening's body. Fitz finds a message: "Ward is Hydra." On the Bus, Skye is trying to find a way to contact Coulson, but Ward is keeping an eye on her. Skye tells Ward the drive is geo-locked to a diner in Los Angeles. Skye tells him it's the place where she first met Mike Petersen. Ward takes a gun from her, saying it's to avoid the authorities. Coulson's team is examining Koening's body. Simmons ascertains that he was killed after May left. Further, she deduces that it must have been Ward. Fitz tosses things around, furious at what he hears. Coulson tries to calm everyone down and get them focused. He tells Fitz to fix the communications so they can track the Bus. Skye and Ward are on the ground, heading for the diner. Skye tells Ward that it will take a while to download the drive's info. Ftiz and Trip are discussing the situation, realizing that if Ward is Hydra then Garrett is alive and Agent Hand is dead. He then figures out that Ward must have come back to get Skye to decrypt the drive. They find the Bus in Los Angeles, but just then they get a warning that troops are on the ground outside of Providence. Ward is impatiently waiting for Skye to decrypt the hard drive in the LA diner. Her screen shows that the location for the geo-locking is incorrect. She hides her nervousness by reminding Ward of what happened to Mike Petersen. Coulson's team is gearing up to greet whoever is outside. The door to Providence is disarmed and special forces soldiers walk in, led by Col. Glenn Talbot. Coulson asks how Talbot even found Providence. Maria Hill shows up, saying that she told him. A man overhears a noise in a cemetery. He goes to see what it is and Agent May is crawling out of a grave. The tombstone has Coulson's name on it. She retrieved a drive with intel classified for level 10. Talbot is questioning Coulson's team. Simmons rails at Talbot for not letting them stop Ward, but Talbot reminds her that S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer exists. In another room, Hill is telling Coulson that she made a deal with the government to turn over Fury's base in return for leniency. Coulson realizes that Hill is still protecting S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets, that he is a liability because of T.A.H.I.T.I. Coulson tells her that Garrett and Ward are Hydra. Talbot enters the room with two soldiers. Hill and Coulson take them out. Ward and Skye are still in the diner. Ward is getting antsy and Skye tries to keep him distracted. She asks him about how long he's ever spent in deep cover. She brings up Garrett, wondering how he could have lied for so long. She begins to taunt him about Garrett. Garrett notices a growing number of cops in the diner. Ward wants to leave but Skye shows him that she tipped the cops off. They try to arrest Skye and Ward. Ward tries to fight them off and Skye runs. Running into two other cops, she tries to get them to arrest her, but Ward shoots them. Skye takes off in the police car but, as she drives away, Deathlok shows up and jumps on the car. Back on the Bus, Deathlok is telling Ward he should be thankful he showed up. Garret ordered Deathlok to shadow Ward because he knew Ward had a soft spot for Skye. Skye tells them she'll never give them the geo-locking location for the drive. Deathlok says Garret is giving him five minutes and leaves the hangar. Skye hits Ward, but Ward cuffs her and tells her she can't win. Ward tells Skye it was a mission, and that it wasn't personal. She calls him a Nazi and tells him that Red Skull was a Nazi and started Hydra. She asks how many people he's killed for Garrett. Ward tries to tell her that his feelings for her are real and she says she's going to throw up. Ward says that he has to make the hard decisions. He says that someday she'll understands, but she says she'll never give him what he wants. Deathlok is trying to access the hard drive, but fails. He gets a message that says Garret is done waiting and to go to plan B. He goes back to the hangar with Skye. Skye tries to talk him out of it, reminding him of his son, but he tells her that his son was left with S.H.I.E.L.D., meaning that Hydra has him now. Skye doesn't think Deathlok will hurt her, so Deathlok fires a weapon at Ward instead. It stops Ward's heart until Skye tells Deathlok that the geo-locking is based on altitude and will unlock at 75,000 feet. He releases Ward and sets Skye to getting the drive ready. Maria Hill contacts the Bus, telling them to stand down. Ward refuses. She threatens to shoot the bus out of the sky, but Ward says he knows Coulson won't do it. Hill tells Ward that he doesn't owe Garrett anything. Ward says she's wrong. The Bus takes off and Hill doesn't pursue. Coulson sneaks onto the Bus through the landing gear just before liftoff. Coulson crawls up through the flooring of the Bus and finds Skye. They move to take the cockpit until Skye tells him that Deathlok is on board. Deathlok finds them and they go for the hangar. Skye is putting on a parachute and Coulson tells her to forget it and get in Lola. He fires guns at Deathlok and Ward from Lola's headlights, then they drive out of the hangar. Lola's jets have some trouble, so it's a pretty rocky flight and rough landing. Ward wants to go after Skye and Coulson, but Deathlok says that's not the plan. Ward doesn't care. In a motel room, Coulson is asking Hill what other backup she has. Hill says there is none, that S.H.I.E.L.D. is done. If he needs to take down Garrett and Ward that's fine, but then he should disband his team. She says he could work for Stark, but Coulson says that's not his style. Fitz and Simmons are sitting by the pool, discussing Ward. Fitz wants to hear Simmons says that she's not Hydra, and she does. He says it in return. She puts a hand on his leg. Skye and Trip are nearby. Trip is eating junk food. Coulson comes out. Trip walks away. Coulson says they'll get Ward and Garrett. Skye says she left them a little present when she decrypted the drive that should help. Coulson comments on it being a nice night. Coulson goes back into the hotel room. May is inside. He says he was hoping she would come back. He goes to tell her about Ward, but Hill told her already. She says there's something he needs to see. She opens the laptop with the info she found in Coulson's grave. A video plays of Coulson giving his resignation from T.A.H.I.T.I. He says the project was designed to resurrect a fallen Avengers, but the side effects were too great and lists several. He says the only way they've found to stem the side effects was memory replacement and then recommends that Project T.A.H.I.T.I. be shut down.