Arrow Set Photo: Spoiler For "Streets of Fire"

For the second year in a row, Arrow writers and producers named their season's penultimate [...]

Arrow Deathstroke

For the second year in a row, Arrow writers and producers named their season's penultimate episode after a song from the Bruce Springsteen album Darkness on the Edge of Town. And, apparently, the "Streets of Fire" alluded to in the title will be flooded with...well, we'll hold off for just a moment. This article concerns set photos taken on the streets of Vancouver this weekend, during filming on Arrow's upcoming episode, "Streets of Fire." Turn away if you're spoiler-averse. As you can see in the tweet below, it seems as though Deathstroke is amassing an army to march on Starling City. To what end? It's hard to say. There are a lot of things going on right now in Arrow, sometimes with conflicting goals at play. Remember that at the beginning of the season, Sebastian Blood was convinced that the Mirakuru serum was key to building a force that could protect the city from the decadent rich, represented most obviously by those who participated in the Undertaking last year. At present, Blood and his benefactor Slade Wilson have Thea Queen -- the youngest daughter of one of those co-conspirators -- in their custody. The fact that "Streets of Fire" comes on the heels of an episode titled "City of Blood" may mean that Blood has been elected mayor and that this little security force is more about the Blood Cult than about revenge specifically on Oliver and his family. know...that could just be really, really bad all around.