Batman, Superman Earth One Covers Revealed

DC Comics have revealed the covers for Superman Earth One, Volume Three by J. Michael [...]

DC Comics have revealed the covers for Superman Earth One, Volume Three by J. Michael Straczynski and Ardian Syaf, and Batman Earth One, Volume Two by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank.

The Frank piece, seen below, has a nice process mini-feature over at Nerdist, where the covers debuted. It walks the reader from concept to final version.

Syaf takes over art chores from Shane Davis, who drew the first two volumes before heading over to Legendary Comics to work on Shadow Walk with Mark Waid. Davis's calendar has filled up, and he's working on writer Jonathan Hennessey's Epochalypse, also for Legendary and Random House.

Each of the two titles will hit the stands in 2015, although DC does have an Earth One offering, Teen Titans Earth One, Volume One, due out in November from Jeff Lemire and Terry Dodson.