Batman Takes On Secret Six In The Demon In The Dark Fan Film

The Demon In The Dark fan film pits Batman (known as the Demon through most of the story) against [...]


The Demon In The Dark fan film pits Batman (known as the Demon through most of the story) against The Secret Six, though they aren't really a team yet here. The six are assigned a mission to escort an unnamed operative across the city with his cargo in tow.

Anytime you get a Batman vs Secret Six story together, I'm at least interested, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much Demon in the Dark kept my attention. The 16 minute and 31 second running time was the perfect amount of time, and director Letia Clouston and Writer Matt Clouston (of Forewarned Films) did a nice job of pacing out the reveals.

I also enjoyed the Cloverfield vibe I got from certain portions, especially the ones involving Banshee and Giganta. I won't spoil one particular fight scene that just came out of nowhere, but about halfway through I had a moment of pure giddiness. As for the effects, they were quite well done on what I'm sure was a small budget.

You can head to their official site for more information, and their Youtube for some behind the scenes looks at the making of the film.