Batman V. Superman: Bailey Chase Teases Mystery Role

Bailey Chase’s role in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice’s role is still tightly under [...]

Bailey Chase's role in Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice's role is still tightly under wraps, but the actor finally offered a few clues on how he'll factor into the film.

In an interview during yesterday's Television Critics Association press tour yesterday, Chase confirmed that he will not play a superhero, and that he'll at least interact with Lois Lane.

"I'm not a superhero but I've got a nice, cool role that opens the movie," Chase told SlashFilm. "I get to do quite a bit with Amy Adams and I can't wait to see it. It was just such a thrill to work with Zack Snyder and something on that scale, I've never done that before."

Whatever form Chase's role may take, it required a serious bit of training.

"I had about three weeks of rehearsal," Chase said. "I'm pretty good on a horse but I had more horseback training. I got some more gun training, got to work with a retired SEAL. It's going to look awesome."

And finally, Chase's last comment indicated that he'll be in that fleeting clip from Batman V. Superman's Comic-Con trailer, where a group of men are riding on horses out in the west.

When asked if would ride a horse in Batman V. Superman, he responded: "I'm saying it might've been required for me, yes. I see some horses and some pretty cool guns."

How do you think Bailey Chase will factor in Batman V. Superman? Let us know in the comments!

Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25, 2016. And to see when other DC Movies hit theaters, check out's official Comic Book Movie Database!