Captain America: Civil War Will Have A Huge Ripple Effect On The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Captain America: The Winter Soldier had a pretty massive effect on the Marvel cinematic universe. [...]

(Photo: Marvel Studios)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier had a pretty massive effect on the Marvel cinematic universe. Shield was no more, and Hydra was a once again prominent player in the Marvel U. Captain America: Civil War evidently will make that look like a pebble drop in the pond.

According to co-director Joe Russo, the conflict at play in Civil War will have much farther reaching impact.

"There's an intensity in this film. We dug deep to find motivations that were extremely personal and very emotional to the characters. It's not for all characters because, like any fight, people take sides and some people have stronger motivations than others, and as the fight gets worse people drop out because they don't have the stomach for it. We have a couple characters that go to the end and they go to the end pretty hard and pretty ugly."

That statement implies that things get pretty grim, enough so to make some of these battle-hardened Avengers uncomfortable enough to turn the other way. In the comics that moment came in the form of the death of Goliath, but since he's not in the film and there is a distinct lack of a clone version of Thor running around, I'm sure they will go a different way in the film.

via Nerdist