Colin Trevorrow Teases Scary Jurassic World 2 Story

If you’re one of the millions of fans looking forward to the next Jurassic World movie, then [...]

If you're one of the millions of fans looking forward to the next Jurassic World movie, then you're in the luck. The blockbusting franchise underwent a revival last summer with the release of Jurassic World, and and Universal will begin production on the sequel next spring. And, now, one of the co-writers on Jurassic World 2 is teasing a very scary storyline for the anticipated movie.

Colin Trevorrow was forced to abandon his role as director on Jurassic World 2 when Lucasfilm tapped him to helm Star Wars: Episode IX. However, the filmmaker stayed on to co-write the film's screenplay and act as producer. During a recent interview over at Jurassic Outpost, Trevorrow hinted that Jurassic World 2 would be "more suspenseful and scary" than its predecessors.

"It will be more suspenseful and scary. It's just the way it's designed," he said. "It's the way the story plays out. I knew I wanted [J.A.] Bayona to direct it long before anyone ever heard that was a possibility, so the whole thing was just built around his skillset"

Of course, many fans were intrigued when they first learned that Bayona was taking over Trevorrow's mantle as director on Jurassic World 2. The filmmaker, who's best known for his work on The Orphanage and The Impossible, has a keen eye for rich, complex horror projects - something which moviegoers have been interested to see explored further in the Jurassic universe.

Trevorrow continued to praise Bayona's involvement with the film, saying that his relationship with the director will harken back to the old days when filmmakers collaborated more freely. In fact, he went so far as to compare their professional relationship to that of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas on Indian Jones since Trevorrow created the Jurassic World story that Bayona will film.

"Film has become so cutthroat and competitive; it felt like an opportunity to create a situation where two directors could really collaborate. It's rare these days, but it's something that the directors that we admire used to do all the time—one writes and produces and the other directs, and the end result is something that's unique to both of them," he said.

With two critically praised filmmakers working on the sequel, fans believe Jurassic World 2 is looking better than ever. While the film's budget and production schedule are still being kept secret, moviegoers do know that the Jurassic World films will be a trilogy.

Earlier this year, Bayona confirmed the franchise would be a trilogy that Trevorrow envisioned from the start.

"It's very interesting. The whole Jurassic World is a trilogy that Colin Trevorrow has envisioned. We're writing the second chapter, and it's very interesting where he's leading the story. I grew up watching Steven Spielberg movies and I love those movies and the legacy, so it's a question of being truthful to the legacy and at the same time, bringing new stuff that people will appreciate."


However, in his recent interview, Bayona did tell fans one element of Jurassic World would be missing from the sequel: militarized dinosaurs.

"I'm not that interested in militarized dinosaurs, at least not in practice," he admitted. "I liked it in theory as the pipe dream of a lunatic."

Jurassic World 2 is scheduled for release on June 22, 2018.

[H/T] Collider