Even Superheroes Wear Hoodies

Hoodies have been in the news a lot lately. Last week, Geraldo Rivera set off a huge controversy [...]

Superman Hoodie

Hoodies have been in the news a lot lately. Last week, Geraldo Rivera set off a huge controversy by saying, "I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman was." Geraldo went on to urge parents of black and Latino children to not let their children go out wearing hoodies.

Cloak Hoodie

Of course,  Rivera's comments triggered a huge backlash, and the hoodie has now become a symbol of protest over the killing of Trayvon Martin. Lawmakers, politicians, and protesters across the country have been donning hoodies to honor the memory of Trayvon Martin.

Spectre And Raven HoodiesRepresentative Bobby Rush

was removed from the House floor, when he wore a hoodie, and proclaimed, "Just because a person wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum." With that point in mind, we've compiled some images of various superheroes who have donned hoodies throughout the years. Hoodies do not make someone a hoodlum, because even superheroes wear hoodies.

Green Arrow HoodieScarlett Spider HoodieShazam Hoodie