Five Reasons Man Of Steel 2 Makes Sense For Summer 2014

The Internet has been in an uproar ever since the Wall Street Journal went on record claiming that [...]

Man Of Steel Sequel

The Internet has been in an uproar ever since the Wall Street Journal went on record claiming that Warner Bros. was hoping to fast tack the Man Of Steel sequel for 2014. The general outcry has been that there is no way that Warner Bros. could turn around Man Of Steel 2 in such a short period of time and do it justice. Most are thinking that if Man Of Steel is released in 2014 that it will be late in the year. But could Warner Bros. actually be planning a summer of 2014 release date? For their part, Warner Bros. had no comment when reached out to them about rumors of a 2014 release date for Man Of Steel 2. However, we've put together five reasons why it might make sense for Warner Bros. to be targeting summer of 2014. 5. Marvel Studios Is Taking The Summer Off - For the past two years, Marvel Studios has dominated the summer movie season. The Avengers was the highest grossing movie of the summer (and the year) in 2012, and it's a pretty safe bet that Iron Man 3 is going to repeat that feat this year. However, Marvel Studios surprisingly appears to be pretty much taking the summer of 2014 off. Captain America The Winter Soldier is being released in early April before the start of the summer blockbuster season, while the Guardians Of The Galaxy isn't being released until near the end of the summer in August. And Guardians Of The Galaxy is Marvel's most risky project yet, so there is much question over whether it will fly or flop. With Man Of Steel 2, Warner Bros. could likely beat both 2014 Marvel Studios film and silence some of the talk about how much better Marvel Studios has been at developing their properties. Of course, Warner Bros. would still have The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and the X-Men: Days Of Future Past to contend with, but those films are being released by Sony and FOX respectively. 4. Man Of Steel Sequel Doesn't Need To Be As Special Effects Heavy - If one watches all the stunning visual effects in Man Of Steel, then one has to wonder how there is any way possible that Warner Bros. could turn around another movie like that so fast. However, the answer is that Warner Bros. doesn't need to turn around another movie like Man Of Steel. In the sequel, everything will likely be set on Earth, as the need of all the effects heavy Krypton  scenes are eliminated. Also, Superman was fighting an other worldly menace in General Zod in Man Of Steel, which led to much of Metropolis being destroyed. With LexCorp Easter Eggs in Man Of Steel, it wouldn't be surprising if the more earthbound Lex Luthor is the primary villain in Man Of Steel 2. Metropolis is already in rumbles, so it wouldn't make sense to destroy it again in Man Of Steel 2. While the first Man Of Steel was a no-holds barred brawl, it makes sense that the sequel might be more of an intellectual battle. 3. Fastest Superhero Movie Warner Bros. Could Make - The top three highest grossing movies of summer of 2012 in the United States were all superhero movies. Odds are the same thing could happen again this year, as we're betting Iron Man 3, Man Of Steel, and The Wolverine could take the top three spots this summer. Warner Bros. executives have got to be looking at this trend and thinking they really need a superhero movie in the summer of 2014. It would be much easier for Warner Bros. to turn around a Man Of Steel sequel for summer 2014 then it would be to create another superhero movie from scratch. With Man Of Steel, all the key payers are under contract, and it's very possible that David S. Goyer already has a script pretty much completed. 2. Man Of Steel Sequel Needed To Set Up Justice League - Disney already has a solid plan in place for summer of 2015 with several high profile projects, including The Avengers sequel. Warner Bros. has got to be feeling the pressure to counter program so they don't get blown out of the water  at movie theaters in summer of 2015. Warner Bros.' best shot at challenging Disney is a Justice League movie, and a Man Of Steel sequel in 2014 could go a long way toward setting up a Justice League movie in 2015. 1. Hollywood Is Changing - The thought in Hollywood use to be to allow two to three years at least between movie sequels. However, the new trend is to release sequels in back-to-back years for strong franchises. Warner Bros. is releasing The Hobbit trilogy in consecutive years. Of course, there was an advance plan for The Hobbit, which is allowing for the quick turnaround time. However, other than not having the footage already shot, who's to say Warner Bros. doesn't also have an advance plan for the Man Of Steel sequels. Universal has also announced that Fast & Furious 7 will be released next summer, just a year after Fast & Furious 6. In the case of Universal, they will be shooting Fast & Furious 7 from scratch, so if they can do it, why can't Warner Bros. do it?