Gay Green Lantern Proposes to His Boyfriend in Earth 2 #2

You've got to admit--he's a guy who knows just how important rings can be.When the reinvented Alan [...]

You've got to admit--he's a guy who knows just how important rings can be. When the reinvented Alan Scott appeared in today's Earth 2 #2, fans have been aware for a while now that he was going to be a homosexual in a committed relationship (we'd seen the latter from the announcement trumpeting the former). What we didn't know was that--with Northstar's proposal barely in the rear view mirror and his wedding only weeks away--the Justice Society's Green Lantern was planning his own nuptials. That's right, folks--as you can see in the scan at left, Alan Scott proposes to his boyfriend Sam in today's issue, just a few pages after fans officially see them together for the first time. The next page is sure to generate some conversation, and we'll hold off on spoiling anything else for now, but suffice it to say DC seems to be true to their word here in terms of making Scott's sexuality an organic part of his character as opposed to a major publicity tool. It's likely they could have had even more of a media frenzy if the headlines were revealing that the newly-homosexual Green Lantern was planning on getting married almost immediately. We'll have to keep our eyes on Conan and Letterman tonight to see if anyone has anything interesting to say on the story.