Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn: Groot and Rocket are the Pinnacle of Cinema, My Career

In a brief interview with Total Film, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn chatted about [...]


In a brief interview with Total FilmGuardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn chatted about the just-released trailer for his upcoming Marvel Comics adaptation, telling the site that  "There is no doubt that the cinematic pinnacle of my career is our cameras circling around a maniacal raccoon shooting a machine gun on the back of a living tree," and joking that "And I say this with as much modesty as I can muster – because certainly it is not me, but the hand of God guiding us all as we make this film – but it just may be the pinnacle of cinema in general." "When we shot it we were twirling around an empty space in a giant set," the director continued. "But I think all of us could see the raccoon and the tree in our minds. They were already starting to form. I can't wait to share them with everyone in August."


There's likely to be quite a run-up for this film; there's a sense that if Marvel can get a huge hit out of a property with basically zero public awareness outside of the comics industry, it's a great sign for their long-term longevity if and when their existing franchises start to feel less new and fresh than they do now. So in all likelihood, fans won't have to wait until August to see more from the film--they may not even have to wait much past April, since the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and then the probable May season finale of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. both seem like ideal times and places to bow some new Guardians footage. In any event, Gunn explained that while a lot of people are thinking of this as Marvel's riskiest film since Iron Man, the studio itself wanted them to put that kind of talk out of their mind, take risks and make the movie they wanted. "The movie has a lot of edgy humour, unusual for a comic book movie. But we were encouraged by Marvel to take risks, so we did," Gunn told Total Film. "However, we never wanted the humour to get in the way of the fun or the emotional heart of the film – those things came first." Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters on August 1.