Harrison Ford's Left Leg Was Broken In Star Wars Episode VII Accident

Harrison Ford’s publicist (via the BBC) has confirmed that the actor broke his leg in an [...]

Harrison Ford's publicist (via the BBC) has confirmed that the actor broke his leg in an accident that occurred on the set of Star Wars Episode VII on June 12. It was previously reported that Ford had broken his ankle.

"His surgery was successful and he will begin rehab shortly," the publicist, Ina Treciokas, said. "He's doing well and looks forward to returning to work."

Ford is reprising his role as Han Solo in the new Star Wars movie. He was reportedly injured when a sliding door closed too fast and crushed his leg. Ford is expected to be out of commission for about eight weeks, but filming is expected to continue while he recuperates.

Star Wars Episode VII is scheduled for theatrical release on December 18, 2015.