How Will Arnold Schwarzenegger's Infidelity Affect The Governator Comic Book?

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s marriage appears to be over. Any future political career is likely [...]

The Governator Comic Book

Arnold Schwarzenegger's marriage appears to be over. Any future political career is likely toast. But the real question on everyone's minds is "What does Arnold Schwarzenegger's infidelity mean for The Governator comic book series?" Back in late March, the comic book world was abuzz when Entertainment Weekly reported that Arnold Schwarznegger would be collaborating with Stan Lee on a new animated TV show and comic book called The Governator.

Since the announcement, a trailer for The Governator animated series appeared on YouTube, and Archie Comics announced that the first issue of The Governator comic book would be released in October 2011. Archie Comics also revealed plans for San Diego Comic Con schwag in July 2011.

While the revelation of adultery certainly won't put an end to Arnold Schwarzenegger's entertainment career, there is usually a certain amount of laying low that occurs with a celebrity after a controversial event. It's possible that any cartoon, movie, or comic book plans could be pushed back to allow the public more time to forget and forgive.

Also, while Arnold Schwarzenegger appearing in a movie aimed at adults might not be a big deal, the idea of a comic book series and cartoon could create a backlash. While many cartoons and comic books target older audiences, the mainstream perception is that cartoons and comic books are for children, so it could be a hot topic in the media. On The Governator Facebook fan page, there is already quite a bit of outcry both against and in support of Schwarzenegger.

At the very least, some of the content for The Governator comic book and cartoon series will likely have to be rewritten and redrawn. In the Entertainment Weekly article on The Governator comic book, Stan Lee is quoted as saying, "We're using all the personal elements of Arnold's life. We're using his wife [Maria Shriver]. We're using his kids." Our guess is that the personal elements of Schwarzenegger's life will be removed if The Governator comic book series and cartoon goes forward.