For the second time in the last two days, actress Megan Fox has tweeted pictures of Star Wars paraphernalia. Megan Fox’s first Star Wars related tweet occurred yesterday, when she tweeted “Is it cool or embarrassing to own a life size R2D2? It’s cool right?…Right?! ” along with a photo of her R2D2.Today, Megan Fox made her second Star Wars related tweet. She tweeted a photograph of herself holding a Boba Fett coaster with the question, “Who can tell me who I’m holding in this picture?”Even more surprising is that apparently only one of Mega Fox’s 180,000 plus followers got it right, as she later tweeted, “”@RonTerrell: @meganfox A drink coaster with Boba Fett on it?” Yes! You’re the only one that answered correctly!”Megan Fox’s Star Wars related tweets started shortly after rumors surfaced that Star Wars Episode 7 might have a female lead. After the first tweet, joked that conspiracy theories would probably start to surface that Megan Fox will be in Star Wars. Now, with this second Star Wars related tweet, we’re starting to wonder if it could actually come true. By showing her love of the franchise, Megan Fox certainly seems like she could be campaigning for a Star Wars role.
Is Megan Fox Campaigning For Star Wars Role?
For the second time in the last two days, actress Megan Fox has tweeted pictures of Star Wars […]