The upcoming Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad April Fool’s Special #1 will have a Jim Lee drawn variant cover (to go alongside the normal cover), which you can see in full below. Lee’s pencils are crisp as always, and I actually do dig the hair puffs and the costume in general. I kind of feel bad for Man-bat though. I mean seriously, that looks painful. Though I get the logic, he would make quick and easy transportation.
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The April Fool’s Special centers around Harley starting up a organization called Evil Anonymous, a support group for super villains in need. It is nice to see that aspect of the character utilized in a tongue and cheek way, and of course she isn’t just interested in helping them, at least without getting something in return. That just might blow up in her face.
Personally I would love to see a book structured as Frasier meets the DC Universe, with Harley as the lead. Even if they just keep the one shot format and release every so often, I could really get behind that.
Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad April Fool’s Special #1 (man that is a long title) will be $4.99 and releases on April 6th, 2016.