Justin Theroux Rumored In Running For Dr. Strange Movie

While Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has already gone on record mentioning a Dr. Strange [...]

Justin Theroux

While Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has already gone on record mentioning a Dr. Strange movie as being part of Phase Three plans, nothing official about the movie has been announced by Disney/Marvel Studios. However, there have been quite a few rumors circulating in regards to actors, screenwriters and directors being considered. According to CHUD, their trusted sources have told them that actor/screenwriter Justin Theroux is being considered for the role of Stephen Strange. In addition to playing Dr. Strange, they also suggest that he might be working on the script. Theroux does have a pre-existing relationship with Marvel Studios, as he was a screenwriter for Iron Man 2. Of course, at this early stage, it's unlikely that Marvel Studios has signed anyone to a contract.