Kevin Smith Says Goodbye To His Dog

Earlier this week, director, writer, and fanboy Kevin Smith said goodbye to a beloved family pet, [...]

Kevins Smith & Dog

Earlier this week, director, writer, and fanboy Kevin Smith said goodbye to a beloved family pet, and it wound up becoming a major story around the world. Smith posted a picture of himself holding his dog Mulder, who had been part of his life for seventeen years but was quickly fading from this world.

In posting the photo, Smith wrote, "Dark day in our household: our oldest dog Mulder is dying. As I've spent the last year carrying him around like Hodor, I'm not taking this terribly well. They never tell you when you get a dog, but there is a price to pay for being the recipient of 17 years of unconditional love, loyalty and companionship: they take a huge chunk of your heart with them when they go. I'm reminded of a line from DOCTOR WHO, Series 2 - the "School Reunion" episode (which featured the return of Sara Jane Smith and the robot dog K-9, ironically enough): 'You can spend the rest of your life with me... but I can't spend the rest of my life with you.' And later, when Rose asks Sara Jane if she should go with the Doctor, Sara Jane responds 'Some things are worth getting your heart broken for.' Mulder was beyond worth it. F***, this hurts..."

While most people reacted with sympathy for Smith's loss, the photo itself became a minor controversy online, because some (including press) believed that the dog was deceased in the image that Smith posted.

After the story began to go viral around the world, Smith clarified, "Also: The Daily Mail in the UK wrote about a brief Reddit dust-up over the photo, but they said Mulder was deceased in the image I posted. Mulder wasn't dead when that photo was taken yesterday and he was still alive when I posted it on FB this morning. He was still fighting to stay above ground - which is why I'm holding him on his back (he couldn't breath laying on his sides or his stomach anymore). We didn't take any pics of him after he was gone. Not judging those who might do so, but for me, the last thing I was thinking about after my dog died was taking a picture of my dead dog. Also: they misidentified our Chocolate Lab Louis as Lily. Still, all that aside, it was oddly touching to read about the death of one of my closest friends in a UK newspaper. The fact that said friend wasn't a celebrity to anyone (but me and my family), and that he was, in fact, a dog makes it even weirder, but no less wonderful. Because of this article, someone in the UK might pull a pint for Mulder tonight."

Last yesterday, Smith posted a video of Mulder, but this time he included a special note for those who might be confused. Smith wrote, "Thanks for all the kind words! Here's Mulder back in 2011. In case @DailyMailUK is confused, my dog is still alive in these pictures too."