Melissa Benoist Reveals How Supergirl Could Beat Batman

Entertainment Weekly asked Supergirl star Melissa Benoist a series of goofy questions in which [...]


Entertainment Weekly asked Supergirl star Melissa Benoist a series of goofy questions in which they wanted to know how the Woman of Steel would handle Batman, King Kong, the ferocious bear from The Revenant, the unstoppable shark from Jaws, competing in The Hunger Games, the sinking of the unsinkable Titanic, and a Sharknado.

Instead of getting mauled like Leonardo DiCaprio, Supergirl would fearlessly give that giant grizzly a bear hug. She wanted no part of the shark from Jaws, as she has a shark phobia. As for a Sharknado, she would use her freeze-breath on it. She would save The Titanic by "double-fisting" it. I kid you not.

How about Batman? "Supergirl rallies all the Kryptonians on the planet and I think we got him covered," she explained. "He's not a match."

Listen to all of her responses in the video below.

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8PM on CBS.

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