Our Star Trek Opening Box Office Gross Guess? 100+ Million

While we at ComicBook.com typically get passes to advance screenings to many movies (as was the [...]

While we at ComicBook.com typically get passes to advance screenings to many movies (as was the case with "Star Trek"), we also like to send someone out to screen the movie early on Friday. Why? We've found that the first showing on a Friday will give us a good gauge of how the film will do on opening weekend. Our guy just got back from an 11:50 AM showing, and he reports that not only was the crowd 2-2 1/2 times larger than last weeks "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" showing at the same time, but the crowd was more representative of the U.S. population as a whole. More women, a very wide age range, and ethnically diverse. Star Trek came out on Thursday, but for our forecasting purposes, we'll use the standard Friday-Sunday opening weekend. We're saying that the film will easily blow past $100 million for the three days. Not only that, but we're betting this movie finishes in the top 5 in overall gross for 2009--and there are some HEAVY hitters yet to come. What do you think? What's your guess on the weekend take?