Second Man of Steel TV Spot Hits The Web

As expected, tonight's episode of Modern Family featured the debut of a new TV spot for Zack [...]

new Man of Steel trailer

As expected, tonight's episode of Modern Family featured the debut of a new TV spot for Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, the Superman reboot that's quickly gaining steam as the summer's most-anticipated film even as Iron Man 3 readies to challenge last year's massive Avengers opening weekend. The ad features a lot of the same footage and voice over that we've already seen in previous trailers, albeit with a little bit of new Superman and Clark Kent footage. It focuses on the almost prophetic nature of Jor-El's claim that his son will give the humans something to strive toward--even featuring some none-too-subtle Christ iconography. Man of Steel hits theaters next month and stars Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Russell Crowe, Diane Lane, and more.