Star Wars Episode VII Director Will Be Announced Soon, Says Disney Chairman Horn

In an interview with Vulture that ran earlier today, Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn refused to [...]

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In an interview with Vulture that ran earlier today, Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn refused to comment on reports that X-Men First Class director Matthew Vaughn will direct Star Wars Episode VII, saying that the announcement, when it comes, will come from Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy--and that fans can probably expect it to be soon. "I would say you'll know soon. And it's got to come from Kathy Kennedy," added Horn. "We don't have the company yet!" He also talked about the process of negotiating the deal, and keeping it out of the press. From the report -

"We threatened everybody with a blast from the Death Star!" Horn told me last night, laughing.
"But really, I think everybody was mature about it," he continued. "It's important to keep these things confidential, so people just kept their mouths shut." How many people knew about Episode VII? "Not many. It was a very small group. Probably a smaller group than knew about the attack on bin Laden!"

Of course, we know that small group included Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, who were reportedly told about Episode VII, but not Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm, in advance. Whether that indicates that the pair will be involved in the new films has been the subject of a lot of speculation. Whatever the case, Horn says Disney is committed to doing right by the fans. "We take very seriously the obligation to make a very good movie," he said. "Kathy is a very experienced producer; George Lucas is the godfather of that franchise and very, very involved on a consulting basis, so we feel very confident."