Star Wars Episode VII To Take Two-Week Filming Hiatus Due To Harrison Ford’s Injury

Buried at the bottom of today’s casting announcement about Crystal Clarke and Pip Andersen, [...]

Buried at the bottom of today's casting announcement about Crystal Clarke and Pip Andersen, Lucasfilm revealed the repercussions that Harrison Ford's recent injury will have on the Star Wars Episode VII filming schedule. Back in June, Harrison Ford was hit by a hydraulic door and rushed to the hospital. While Ford was initially believed to have sustained an ankle injury, it was later revealed that his leg was broken in the accident.

Here's what Lucasfilm had to say today about Harrison Ford's injury and the future filming schedule for Star Wars Episode VII.

In August, the team will take a brief two-week hiatus while adjustments to the current production schedule are made as actor Harrison Ford recovers from a leg injury. Harrison is doing well and is looking forward to returning to the set soon.

Despite the two-week hiatus, Lucasfilm also noted that shooting remained on track to wrap in the fall and offered reassurance that the film was still scheduled for release on December 18, 2015.