Stephen Amell: Arrow Fall Finale Will Leave Fans "Gasping For Air"

Is the midseason finale of Arrow going to reach through the television and choke fans out?Probably [...]

Is the midseason finale of Arrow going to reach through the television and choke fans out?

Probably not, but Arrow/Oliver Queen actor Stephen Amell promises that Wednesday's episode, "The Climb," will leave viewers "gasping for air." Posting on Facebook page this weekend, Amell teased that the episode "might just be the finest hour of television this show has ever produced. You can never fully judge one of our seasons until we've stamped out our first 9 episodes. This will not leave you disappointed."

The "gasping for air" remark might be a slight reference to the literal climb Oliver Queen will make to the city of Nanda Parbat, which is secluded high up in the eastern mountains. There, he will confront Ra's al Ghul, League of Assassins leader and master of other characters like Malcolm Merlyn and the deceased Sara Lance. Ghul, who is traditionally a Batman villain, has been teased throughout Season Three's first eight episodes as the string-pulling big baddie. But it looks like Arrow has finally had enough of the cat-and-mouse games, and is taking the fight to Ra's.

As noted earlier today, Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim said that Ra's' presence mark a major shift in the show.

"What's really cool about Ra's coming to the fore is that his presence changes the show," Guggenheim said. "I mean, literally the show will not be the same after Episode 309."

In case you missed the episode's trailer, you can check it out below. While it's merely a tease of what's to come, we hope that it still leaves you slightly short of breath.

Arrow airs Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. on The CW.