TED Ed Explains Issues If Superpowers Were Real

With comic book movies dominating the box office, TED-Ed has released a six video series called [...]

if superpowers were real

With comic book movies dominating the box office, TED-Ed has released a six video series called "If superpowers were real..." While superpowers might look all cool on the big screen, TED-Ed points out several issues that would occur if you actually had superpowers. According to TED-Ed, the problem with invisibility is that technically you could not see because no light would reflect off your retina, which would sort of take all the fun out the power. In regards to super strength, TED-Ed points out that a superhero would actually do more damage to a falling dasmel in distress by catching her than the ground would. However, the most problematic super power might be flight, as TED-Ed points out that bugs would destroy your face. The six different shorts explore the scientific fallacies of six superpowers -- speed, strength, invisibility, body mass, immortality and flight. Voice over work on the shorts is done by James Arnold Taylor, the voice of Fred Flinstone and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Leonardo. Each lesson was written by Joy Lin, a high school science teacher from Austin, TX.