Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Get A Police Escort In New Set Videos

This past weekend on the New York City set Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Half Shell, New Yorkers [...]


This past weekend on the New York City set Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Half Shell, New Yorkers ran for their lives and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got a police escort to the scene of the mayhem.

It appears that something so terrible is going on that the police need the Turtles to intervene. We see a mobile police command center and several police cruisers speeding onto the scene. Then all four of the Turtles come pouring out of the command center. Things get really interesting when the cops use their riot shields to form a protective wall so that the Turtles can be secretly escorted into a nearby building.

Check it out in the set videos below.

Filming of #tmnt2

A video posted by ✨🎶💚💙Mecha💜💙✨🎶 Bella (@mecha_bella) on

#tmnt2 #zombieapocalypse

A video posted by Hansel Asencio (@vndhvnsel83) on

#TMNT2 filming on Lexington Ave at the #ChryslerBuilding #halfshell

A video posted by Hélène (@boisleneadelia) on

Inside chase to escape the chaos #tmnt2 #zombieapocalypse #run #movie #filming

A video posted by Hansel Asencio (@vndhvnsel83) on

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 will arrive in theaters June 3, 2016. David Green (Earth to Echo) is directing from a script by Josh Appelbaum and André Nemec.